E-mail notifications

The Digital Conversation Cycle automatically sends various emails based on user actions. The following overviews provide insight into which emails are sent based on a certain action, setting, date, or limit.

Note: some emails are only sent based on certain settings such as ‘approval’.


Email descriptionMoment of delivery
The employee is welcomed and receives usage instructions for the application.Immediately
The employee receives the username associated with their email address.Immediately after clicking ‘Forgot username’
The employee receives instructions on how to set a new password.Immediately after clicking ‘Forgot password’

Interview forms and competence profiles

Email descriptionMoment of delivery
Employee receives a confirmation including an iCalendar invitation to discuss their competence profileImmediately, upon providing a date
Employee receives an invitation for the discussion of a form with an iCalendar file (for use with an external calendar).Immediately, after setting (or changing) date and time and checking ‘Send invitation’
Employee is reminded of an upcoming appointment from a text field with follow-up.7 days in advance
Employee is reminded that his supervisor has saved his competence form definitively and that he needs to indicate this as ‘agreed’.Immediately, upon finalization of competence profile
Employee is reminded that his supervisor has saved his competence form definitively and that he needs to indicate this as ‘seen’.Immediately, upon definitively saved competence profile
Employee is reminded that his supervisor has saved his conversation form definitively and that he needs to indicate this as ‘agreed’.Immediately
Employee is reminded that his supervisor has saved his conversation form definitively and that he needs to indicate this as ‘seen’.Immediately
Employee is reminded that he has an invitation to discuss an interview form next week.7 days in advance
Employee is reminded to fill in his own competence profile.5 days in advance
Employee is invited to fill in his own competence profile.Immediately
Manager receives a confirmation including an iCalendar file of a discussable competence profile.Immediately, upon providing a date
Manager receives an invitation for the discussion of a form with an iCalendar file (for an external digital agenda).Immediately, after setting (or changing) date and time and checking ‘Send invitation’
Manager is reminded that he has a discussion of a conversation form of an employee next week.7 days in advance
Colleague of relevant employee is approached to fill in a competence profile.Immediately
Colleague of relevant employee is reminded to fill in a competence profile.5 days in advance
Colleague of relevant employee is approached via external email to fill in a competence profile for the first time.Immediately, after clicking Save on ‘Colleagues 360°-feedback’ page
Colleague of relevant employee is reminded via external email to fill in a competence profile.5 days in advance

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