What is DDGC?

Once upon a time, in a land not so far away, there was a magical web application called De Digitale Gesprekscyclus (DDGC). This app allowed organizations to have delightful conversations with their employees and record them in a jiffy.

Every organization wanted to have conversations with their employees, be it to express appreciation, provide guidance, clarify expectations, or discuss their development and performance. These conversations could be about anything and everything under the sun.

The frequency, names, and topics of these conversations varied from one organization to another. Some were formal, and some were more laid-back.

DDGC lets your organization – and all its team members – be the captain of the ship and decide how the conversation process and content would be designed. Managers and employees could prepare for these chats and create reports in the cloud. They could even fill in competence profiles and send out 360-degree feedback.

Handy summaries, integration with your calendar, and email reminders helped keep these conversations on the agenda and foster continuous dialogue within your organization. So, what are you waiting for? Hop on board the De Digitale Gesprekscyclus train and have a blast!

Please watch the video below for a – very – short introduction. In Dutch…